Tag Archives: cuckoo



If you think cuckoo clocks are stuffy and belong to grannies, you haven’t seen This. Meet Diamantini & Domeniconi’s Cucu (if you haven’t already guessed, that’s cuckoo in Italian).


Laser cut in metal and lacquered in several colors, even one that is 24 carat gold plated. How’s that for opulence ….. or tacky, imho. A tiny cuckoo comes out every hour to sing the hours and it comes with a volume switch if you want the cuckoo to be less intrusive. What’s really cool about it is that the clock comes with a light sensor that stops the cuckoo from cuckoo-ing if it’s dark. Oh, and did I mention the pendulum? What self-respecting cuckoo clock wouldn’t have a pendulum? 😉

And so I thought I would hunt for it online. If my shopping for wallpapers have taught me anything, it’s to go on the Internet and source directly from the country of origin. First, go to google.it to ensure that only Italian sites are searched first. A quick search turned up the Cucu for 202€ and I’m talking about the basic color, not the stainless steel mirror nor the wood paneled ones… and certainly not the gold one.

But at 81cm long, I wasn’t sure if it was too long. Besides, cool as it would be, I wasn’t sure I want a bird reminding me of every passing hour. The Cucu Mignon at 34.5cm was a tad too small for the space I was thinking, even if the price tag of 48€ was sweet. So just like Goldilocks, I found the perfect compromise – the Low Cost Cucu (kid you not, that’s the name). It measures 69cm, comes with the pendulum but not the cuckoo. And its price? This birdless version costs less than half the price of the Cucu. I’ll sing to that 🙂

For a 100% made-in-Italy product, the Diamantini e Domeniconi Cucu makes an elegant statement. And I’m glad some things haven’t been exported to the Far East. Watch the video on the website – just love Moreno, the Cucu Man!